Ideas for a brighter future for all

Environment and sustainability

Bold, informed approaches to the complex environmental challenges facing our society

Tiny House

Australia’s big interest in tiny houses

Despite early forecasts of a COVID-19-driven slump, house prices are now surging in many parts of Australia. This is further widening the gap between the housing “haves” and “have-nots”, and we are seeing related rises in housing stress, rental insecurity and homelessness. In Australia and elsewhere a movement has emerged that supports tiny house living as an important response to the housing affordability crisis.

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Cotter Dam

Can Australia be drought-proofed?

Water is critical to life and jobs, and large infrastructure projects tend to sway voters at the polling booth. Paired together, it’s easy to understand why the New Bradfield Scheme remains an issue for Queensland and Australia.

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Tiny House

Australia’s big interest in tiny houses

Despite early forecasts of a COVID-19-driven slump, house prices are now surging in many parts of Australia. This is further widening the gap between the housing “haves” and “have-nots”, and we are seeing related rises in housing stress, rental insecurity and homelessness. In Australia and elsewhere a movement has emerged that supports tiny house living as an important response to the housing affordability crisis.

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Cotter Dam

Can Australia be drought-proofed?

Water is critical to life and jobs, and large infrastructure projects tend to sway voters at the polling booth. Paired together, it’s easy to understand why the New Bradfield Scheme remains an issue for Queensland and Australia.

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